Friday, April 20, 2018

Public Art Seeking a Home

Thank you Shmuel Thaler, senior staff photographer at Santa Cruz Sentinel. What a delight to see our community project featured prominently on today's front page of the Santa Cruz Sentinel as "A Joint Venture". Indeed it is. This is especially helpful as we shift gears and begin to look for a home for this co-created Communi-Tree.

We are seeking a permanent location where the tree will be visible and accessible to the community. This community created art project is a colorful 10-foot-wide by 11-foot-high flat mosaic of a majestic tree with over 180 spectacular leaves, each about the size of your hand. Each mosaic leaf was crafted by an individual community member, from four-year-olds to elders, who came together to create mosaic art symbolizing their deep hopes, concerns, and values and to express their emotions as a way to be united in our care and respect for one another at this time in history. As an experienced mosaic artist, Christine led this year-long project, supported by myself and dozens of other motivated volunteers. Participants time and again told us it was a gift to take the time to stop and think about what they care about deeply and what they would like to see supported by our leaders. Together each person translated these deep feelings into a tangible creation that united so many in working on a common art project.

We look forward to having the tree available for public viewing. If you have ideas or leads about where and how this installation could be visible and accessible to our community, please contact us at mosaicswithmeaning @

Friday, April 6, 2018

Join us for our next GROUTING day!

April 22 11am - 2pm (adjusted time)

There are about 75 more leaves remaining to be grouted. 
We would love for you to join us ... reconnect with the meaning of your leaf and the many contributions of others. 

And ... if you have connections with the press, please share the news. We're excited about taking the next step of find a home for this tree, a symbol of our values, to set down roots in our community.

Hope to see you here!

Christine & Julie

Monday, January 22, 2018

Moving Right Along ...

Thanks to all who helped, lots of leaves were loved into being during the first grouting day. This beautiful mosaic communi-tree is bursting with life.

Please join an upcoming grouting day ...

February 4  -  March 4 

Let us know if you can join. You are welcome to grout your own leaf 
and/or help grout the leaves of others in our community. Many hands make for little work!
Email us at